Someone posted these 3 short illustrations to prove that that there is always room for gratitude.
Part 1. A rich man looked through his window and saw a poor man picking something from the trash bin … He said, Thank GOD I’m not poor.
The poor man looked around and saw a mentally ill man misbehaving on the street … He said, Thank GOD I’m not insane.
The mentally ill man looked ahead and saw an ambulance carrying a patient … He said, Thank GOD am not sick.
Then a sick person in hospital saw a trolley taking a dead body to the mortuary … and He said, Thank GOD I’m not dead.
Part 2. To better appreciate what you have you need to go to 3 locations :
1. A Hospital
2. A Prison
3. A Cemetery
At the Hospital, you will understand that nothing is more important than your HEALTH.
In the Prison, you’ll see how precious it is to have FREEDOM.
At the Cemetery, you will realize the value of TIME. The ground that we walk today will be our roof tomorrow.
Do you have a measure of health? Do you have a measure of freedom? Are you still breathing? Thank God!
Part 3: The next time you can’t think of something to be grateful for… check your pulse! If you have one, that is something for which you can express gratitude.
REFLECTION QUESTION: What is one thing, big or small, for which you are thankful?